Results presented herein can be used by practitioners to decide which tool should to be used for modeling LPOEs at the U.S.

This paper presents advantages and disadvantages of each tool when modeling international LPOEs.
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The research team developed, calibrated and validated three traffic models of the Ysleta-Zaragoza LPOE using three different software packages (i.e., TransModeler, VISSIM, and Aimsun). Results obtained from these tools should be taken into account in congestion relief decision making processes. These tools can be used to assess various scenarios and visualize current traffic conditions. Traffic simulation models are effective tools for evaluating passenger vehicle, pedestrian and commercial traffic operations. This contributes to the increased transportation costs, and also generates health and environmental problems in border regions. Thus, the longer the vehicle is considered to be at a standstill, the longer it will wait for a gap in the traffic stream (rather than forfeiting any chance of a forced gap and continuing on the wrong lane to become a lost vehicle in the model). Users of International Land Ports of Entries (LPOEs) at the US – Mexico border experience excessive wait times on a daily basis. governed by these parameters (AIMSUN NG Users Manual).